Integrated eLearning solution to digitize your training

E-Learning - Digiforma EN

Blended Learning

Dive into blended learning by simply alternating face-to-face and distance learning.

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E-Learning - Digiforma EN

eLearning platform for companies and training providers

The innovative eLearning platform to boost your training programmes

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E-Learning - Digiforma EN

A new experience for learners

Boost your training programmes with a modern eLearning experience.

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Satisfaction numérique qualité - Illustration Fonctionnalité Digiforma

Training Portal

Interact directly with your learners via your organisation’s Training Portal.

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Icone Fonctionnalité Multi-centres - Digiforma

SCORM Reader

Incorporate your existing eLearning content and track learners’ progress.

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Icone bibliothèque programmes small - Digiforma

Virtual Classroom Software

Create interactive eLearning programmes and get your learners involved.

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Illustration classes virtuelles - Digiforma

+ 5,500 training organizations use Digiforma

and more than 2,000,000 trainees use the Digiforma extranet

How Espace Chef is digitally transforming its training courses

Digiforma has enabled us to move away from logistics and concentrate on individualised training. Today, we use Digiforma far more than we had originally intended.

Fabienne Tardy

CEO, Espace Chef

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Discover the Digiforma solution

Try the new version of the Digiforma ERP and become an expert in learning management