Training sign-in via smartphone

+ 5,500 training organizations use Digiforma

and more than 2,000,000 trainees use the Digiforma extranet

Register course sign-ins directly from a smartphone

Register signatures directly from a smartphone
All you need is an Internet connection to take part in a virtual class or a classroom-based training course!

Have each learner sign in on their smartphone

With digital signatures, it is now possible for each participant to sign in directly from their smartphone or computer: No need to pass around a sign-in sheet, each learner signs in from their seat using a sign-in link received by email!

All Digiforma solutions

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Comment Espace Chef réalise la transformation digitale de ses formations

Digiforma nous a permis de faire autre chose que de la logistique et de nous concentrer sur le suivi individualisé de la formation. Aujourd’hui, nous utilisons Digiforma bien plus que ce pour quoi nous l’avions choisi.

Fabienne Tardy

Directrice, Espace Chef

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Discover the Digiforma solution

A powerful digital tool at the service of your training activity