
Pilotage de la formation processionnelle illustration Digiforma

+ 5,500 training organizations use Digiforma

and more than 2,000,000 trainees use the Digiforma extranet

Pilotage de la formation processionnelle illustration Digiforma

Create your own personalised micro-certifications

Digiforma provides you with a default certificate template on which you can modify the background, text and signature.

Automate the creation of your training micro-certifications

Creating micro-certifications works in the same way as for all other document templates offered by Digiforma. You can create as many templates as you like, and select them from your sessions according to the context. It’s as easy as child’s play!

Send individually or in a zip folder

Save time with Digiforma by creating individual documents or zipped folder for all the learners in your training session!

All Digiforma solutions

Discover how Digiforma meets all the needs of training professionals with fully integrated solutions.

Comment Espace Chef réalise la transformation digitale de ses formations

Digiforma nous a permis de faire autre chose que de la logistique et de nous concentrer sur le suivi individualisé de la formation. Aujourd’hui, nous utilisons Digiforma bien plus que ce pour quoi nous l’avions choisi.

Fabienne Tardy

Directrice, Espace Chef

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Discover the Digiforma solution

A powerful digital tool at the service of your training activity