Evaluation of training

Satisfaction numérique - Fonctionnalité Digiforma

+ 5,500 training organizations use Digiforma

and more than 2,000,000 trainees use the Digiforma extranet

Satisfaction numérique - Digiforma

Create meaningful assessments

Digiforma includes a complete module for managing assessments.

At a time when organisations need to implement a quality policy, it’s vital to integrate a tool capable of offering you an appropriate and reliable solution.

Create an evaluation before, during and after your training course

Digiforma’s evaluation and quality module completes your training programmes with cold and hot evaluations and satisfaction questionnaires. Create your questionnaires, evaluate and analyse your results.

Making the most of each evaluation

For each evaluation completed by your learner, you can consult the evaluation statistics.

You have access to group and individual scores, which can be exported as Excel files.

As you complete assessments, an overall quality report will be added.

All Digiforma solutions

Discover how Digiforma meets all the needs of training professionals with fully integrated solutions.

Découvrez toutes nos fonctionnalités pour l’évaluation et la qualité

Illutation outil innovant pour la gestion des formation - Digiforma

How Espace Chef is digitally transforming its training courses

Digiforma has enabled us to move away from logistics and concentrate on individualised training. Today, we use Digiforma far more than we had originally intended.

Fabienne Tardy

CEO, Espace Chef

Logo Espace chef

Find out more about the Digiforma solution

The full potential of digital technology for your activity